Birder For a Day

Suddenly, while I was innocently enjoying a calm spring evening, this cheerful whistler almost pushed its blue breast into my face. The hint was clear, even I didn’t need ObsIdentify for that!
A bluethroat….

40. The C-factor: Goslings

What’s with these goslings, fox kits, lambs, kittens, ducklings, cubs and cygnets? How can they make us photographers do things, like lying down in the mud and voluntarily crawl through goose shit? Do they have some kind of supernatural powers..? Nope. They have what all baby animals have: The C(ute)-factor. And I bet this C-factor…

39. Instant Winter 2.0

Formerly, our winters used to be constructed with care. Some freezing, some thawing. As soon as you had finally dusted your ice skates and dug up your mittens, thaw had already set in. The first ice scraping from your car window, a hopeful little snowman and some modest ski-fever, interspersed with a daunting little thaw…

38. Photography Best of 2014

1. If it Walks Like a Goose And it Talks Like a Goose…. As soon as this Army of Cuteness arrives, the most fanatical birder goes “awwwwwwww”. Bold loitering spontaneously share their sandwiches, a homeless worriedly counts whether they are as many as yesterday.   2. Interview by Bored Panda “Talented Dutch nature photographer Roeselien…

37. 50 Shades Of White With A Touch Of Red: New Artice on Bored Panda

Roeselien Raimond, a Dutch nature photographer who takes especially warm and beautiful pictures of wild red foxes, shared some exclusive new winter fox photos with Bored Panda and talked to us about her work. Raimond (whom we’ve written about and spoken with before here) said that snow can be rare where she lives, making these…

35. Squirting, Spinning, Spitting and Swallowing Spiders

I have a this much younger little brother, a so called afterthought. As we speak, this little brother is almost twice my size and weight, but you know how it works with little baby brothers… Once upon a time, when my little brother actually was little, he bended my ears about everything. He must have…

34. The Night Heron or Backpack Quack (untranslatable Dutch pun*)

Herons aren’t familiar for their refinement. Too often, I watched them fly the streets like a drunk, leaving a trail of nearly beheaded cyclists, due to a literally heavy meal. Or worse: they catch a fish, so big that –oops, silly detail- it just doesn’t fit through their throat. Oh well, some animals are simply…

33. Chasing White Rabbits

For some of my shoots, I thoroughly research my subject. I feast of graphs and statistics and I adore facts and tidbits. After all, knowledge is power, isn’t it? I used to drive people crazy with my my perpetual “what, why, when, where and with whom….” Nowadays, I ask my patient, omniscient oracle Google, that…

32. Ducklings All Ditches United

On one of my bike rides, I came across one of my favorite topics: baby ducklings! Squeaky brakes and a firm jump immediately brought me at duck level. Moments like these must be taken advantage of as baby ducks have a busy schedule and are gone before you know it. Indeed…not so long after my…